Company Profile



Name of the company JTEC Corporation
President Takashi Tsumura
Business Description Development, Design, Manufacture and Sales of Automated Cell Culture System
Design, Manufacture and Sales of X-ray Mirrors for Synchrotron Facilities
Development, Design, Manufacture and Sales of Automated System in various fields
Development, Manufacture, and Sales of surface treatment of various materials
Support services related to regenerative medicine
Capital 837,948,000 YEN (As of June 30, 2024 consolidated )
Established December 21, 1993


December, 1993 Established in partnership with Osaka Computer Industries with capital of JPY10M and located in Suita, Osaka
July, 1994 Developed Bio Automated Systems: Cell Culture System; and Pharmacometrics System
July, 1994 Increased capital to JPY150M with a fund by Osaka Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Co.,Ltd
July, 1997 ‘R&D for high density slurry refinement system for a complete surface creation’ was selected for a subsidised project by Japan Science and Technology Agency and conducted joint research with Osaka University
July, 2002 ‘Development of Deflashing and Analysis Device using Plasma CVM system’ was selected for a subsidized project by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and conducted joint research wih Osaka Univversity
January, 2004 Increased capital to JPY40M
August, 2004 Moved the main office to Kobe, Hyogo
April, 2005 Launched a new business of fabricating X-ray Nano Focusing Mirrors, based on the research results of Osaka University and RIKEN
August, 2005 ‘R&D for Protein Crystallization Technology’ was selected for a Hyogo Pref. COE Program Promotion Project
December, 2005 Obtained an approval by the govenor of Hyogo Pref for an administrative innovation project, X-ray Focusing Mirror
February, 2006 ‘Implementation of Hard X-ray Nano Focusing High Precision Elliptical Mirror’ was selected for a subsidized project by The New Technology Development Foundation
March, 2006 ‘Implementation of Hard X-ray Nano Focusing High Precision Elliptical Mirror’ was selected for a program to support commercialization by SME Support, Japan
September, 2006 ‘Fabrication Technology of Ultra High Precision Large Size Mirror for Synchrotron Radiation’ was selected for a promotion program by Hyogo Pref. and conducted joint reasearch with JASRI, RIKEN and Osaka University
Decemberm 2006 Authorized as an X-KOBE, X-ray Focusing Mirror, in KOBE Dream Catch Project by Kobe City
January, 2007 Increased capital to JPY65M with a fund by Hyogo Capital No.2 Fund
February, 2007 Opened R&D Center in Ibaraki-shi, Osaka
July, 2007 ‘Development of Automated Rotating Cell Culture System for Regenerative Cartilage (GMP standard)’ was selected for a Generation Project of University-Originated Venture by JST and conducted joint research with AIST
September. 2007 Fabrication Technology of Ultra High Precision Large Size Mirror for Synchrotron Radiation’ was selected for New Industry Creation Support Project by Hyogo Pref.
September, 2009 ‘High-Precision Processing Technology for Synchrotron X-ray Mirror’ was selected for a Project to Support the Advancement of Strategic Core Technologies by Ministry of Economy、Trade and Industry, METI, and cunducted joint research with Osaka Unicersity
September, 2009 ‘Automated Cell Culture System for Reconstructive Surgery’ was selected for a Support Project for Manufactures by METI
April. 2010 ‘Technology for Manufacturing Procedure of X-ray Nano Focusing Mirror’ was selected for a Promotion of Highly Skilled Researchers by JST
February, 2011 High-Precision Processing Technology for Synchrotron X-ray Mirror’ was selected for a Project to Support the Advancement of Strategic Core Technologies by Ministry of Economy、Trade and Industry, METI, and conducted joint research with Osaka Unicersity
March, 2011 ‘Cell Culture System for High Efficiency Formation of Large Size Cartilage Tissue for Regenertive Medicine’ was selected for Project to Support the Advancement of Strategic Core Technologies by METI and conducted joint research with Osaka univ. and AIST
May, 2012 ‘Process and Mesurement Technology to Optimize Fabrication of Synchrotoron X-ray Mirror’ was selected for a Subsidy by The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and conducted joint research with OptiWorks Co.,Ltd.
July, 2013 ‘Trial Manufacture of Adoptive Nano Focusing Mirror’ was selected for a subsidy by METI and conducted joint research with Osaka univ.
July, 2013 ‘Fabrication Technology of Long size KB Nano Focusing Mirror’ was selected for a subsidy by METI and conducted joint research with Osaka univ.
July, 2013 ‘Human Cartilage Device to use for Regenerative Medicine with Three-Dimensional Cell Culture System’ was selected for Problem Solution Type of Medical appliance Development and conducted joint research with Yokohama City univ., AIST and Osaka univ.
June, 2014 ‘Three-Dimensional Mass Culure Technology for iPS Cell’ was selected Project to Support the Advancement of Strategic Core Technologies by METI and conducted joint research with AIST and Osaka univ.
July, 2014 ‘Development, industrialization of the three-dimensional cell culture system for practical use of the human cartilage device to use for regenerative medicine’ was selected for a Promotion of Medical-Industrial Partnerships of Keihin Life Innovation Globalization Strategy District and conducted joint research with Yokohama City univ., AIST and Osaka univ.
October, 2014 Moved R&D Center to a our new building in Ibaraki-shi, Osaka
July, 2015 ‘High Precision Coating System for a Meter class Long X-ray Mirror’ was selected for a subsidy by METI
July, 2015 ‘Automated Culture System for iPS Cells with Cell Observation Function’ was selected for a subsidized primary project by Osaka Foundation for Trade and Industry
September, 2015 Moved Main Office to Ibaraki-shi, Osaka
December, 2015 Increased capital to JPY139,240T with a fund by Osaka University Venture Capital Co., Ltd. and Bio-Sight Capital
April, 2016 Opened Cell Culture Marketing and Research Center at Osaka University, Suita Campus
May, 2016 Changed the company name in Japanese to JTEC Corporation Co., Ltd.
May, 2016 Selected as one of the 300 small companies for excellency in technology and productivity by The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
September, 2016 ‘Innovative human elastic cartilage device creation using the three-dimensional cell culture system aiming at a clinical study’ was selected for ACT-M and conducted joint research with Yokohama City univ. and Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center
August, 2017 ‘Development of practical application of 3-dimensional mass subculture automation technology realizing highly efficient passage of stem cells such as iPS cells’ was selected for Strategic Core Technology Advancement Program (Supporting Industry Program) and conducted joint research with Osaka University.
August, 2017 ‘Development of manufacturing technology for next generation high precision x-ray focusing deformable mirror with variable convergence diameter under diffraction limit’ was selected for Hyogo COE Research Program and conducted joint research with Osaka University, RIKEN and JASRI.
February, 2018 Listed shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers
July, 2019 Relocated Head Office and R&D Center to 2-5-38 Saito-Yamabuki, Ibaraki Osaka at the completion of three new company buildings, Office BLD, Fabrication BLD, and Metrology BLD
July, 2020 “Research and Development of Highly Efficient Mass Cell Aggregation and Dispersion Technology and Automation Equipment for Differentiation and Production Process Using iPS Cells” was adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the FY2020 Strategic Fundamental Technology Advancement Support Program. (FY2020~2012)
September, 2020 Re-listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
May, 2021 Acquired all shares of ESCO, Ltd. and made it a wholly owned subsidiary.
July, 2021 “Development of a manufacturing method for high-precision two-dimensional focusing mirrors that contributes to more efficient X-ray measurement and analysis” was adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the FY2021 Strategic Fundamental Technology Upgrading Support Program. (FY2021~2023)
April, 2022 Re-listed to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
April, 2022 Established Tochigi Production Technology Center in Nasushiobara, Tochigi.
July, 2023 At Osaka University established a joint research department with Osaka University.